PICSIL Weight Lifting Belt | Premium Weightlifting Belt for Serious Crossfit, Weight Lifting, and Olympic Lifting Athletes. Lifting Belt for Men and Women. (Navy Blue, Size Large L)

24,99 € Prime

  • Push your limits to the end. Break that unbreakable PB whiles your back is protected and your core locked.
  • This belt is designed to protect you and has been tested by Virginia Finol, 3-times Powerlifting Champion and Hannah Caldas, 2-Games and 7 Regionals Athlete.
  • Designed and made for the best core hold in the exercises in which any help can make the difference and become a new PB.
  • Or just to ensure you the best fasten when the fatigue come and your core muscle are weaker, this belt will take you to the limit *
  • We designed every little element with all our love to give it a unique style.
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